Self Pay


We can offer clear pricing for evaluation and treatment of injuries to your hand or other painful conditions.

  1. Consultation visit which is $225. (Consists of history and examination)
  2. We may require x rays at that visit to establish an appropriate diagnosis and treatment plan.
  3. Some treatments can be offered the same day such as.  small procedures under local anesthesia, steroid injections, and/or  casting/splinting.


Typical Process:

  1. acute/chronic Injury or other problem with your hand/wrist.
  2. Call the office or contact through the website.
  3. Schedule a Consultation visit
  4. During the visit I will make a diagnosis and give recommendations.
  5. We will discuss the costs, and plan.
  6. Perform appropriate Treatment (at the same visit if possible)
    (see list of possible in office surgeries below)
  7. For larger surgery requiring General Anesthesia (“going to sleep”) we will put together a quote.


Visit the Lone Star Surgery Center website here


In office procedures (non comprehensive list) that I offer:

  1. Steroid injections
  2. Casting/Splinting
  3. Incision and Drainage for infection.
  4. Laceration repairs
  5. Foreign body removal
  6. Tendon repairs
  7. Small mass excisions
  8. Mucous cyst excision
  9. Trigger finger release
  10. Carpal tunnel release
  11. Skin cancer excisions