Carpal tunnel surgery is a procedure to correct a pinched nerve in the wrist called the median nerve. Pain, numbness and tingling in the hand and wrist can signal this condition called carpal tunnel syndrome. It occurs from pressure on the median nerve and tendons.
Why Surgery or Carpel Tunnel Tests
The symptoms of carpal tunnel result from swelling and pressure in the carpal tunnel space where the nerve and nine tendons lie. Either treatment or surgery can be performed to correct these issues. Addressing the pressure is important so that permanent nerve damage does not affect movements in your hand or wrist.
Dr. Jason Ashford is board certified in hand surgery and skilled at performing carpal tunnel surgery in Houston and Conroe Texas. With state of the art tunnel testing and treatment options, you will receive excellent results and carpal tunnel relief. You also may be a candidate for less invasive endoscopic surgery that requires minimal downtime and faster recovery time.